Email referrals to:
Steve Skakum, Program Manager
Office: 780 361 6487

Current/Actively taking Referrals from the Justice System

Length of Service
Currently in our first year for this diversion program in partnership with the ACPS.  Our 24/7 mental health crisis program has been operating for over 12 years.

Geographic Area Served
The 4 Nations of Maskwacis (Samson, Ermineskin, Louis Bull, and Montana Nations), as well as referrals from Ponoka and Wetaskawin.

Age Restrictions
Both.  We are in the process of reviving our Youth Justice Committee.

Service Provision Restrictions
Anyone who voluntarily commits to the program and is open to a customary law focus is welcome.

Types of Referrals Accepted
Matters that are typically referred to a Mental Health Diversion program along with assault and domestic violence cases.

Do you require victim participation?

General administrative process for handling referrals
Once a referral form is received from a justice system partner (Crown, police, defense counsel, etc.), we contact the individual and assess their suitability for the program.  If they agree, a restitution and recovery plan is developed.

a.     What forms are required?
A referral form that includes a space for the participant to sign to take responsibility.

b.     What is communicated to the referrer re: the length of time to adjudicate your RJ processes? And are there any other information that is regularly communicated back to the referrer regarding the case through the process?
Progress reports are submitted to the referrer at 3 months and 6 months.  Additionally, progress or lack thereof is communicated to the referrer as desired or required.

c.     What information and in what format is reported back to the referrer once the case is closed?
A completion report indicating the outcome, and if participants intend to continue with the program after their involvement with the criminal justice system.

What is your capacity to take on additional referrals, should they come your way because of these new referral guidelines.
Presently we have the capacity to take on 10 referrals.  As capacity increases, we will notify our criminal justice system partners.

 Do you use volunteers, paid staff, or a combination of both in facilitation of RJ services?
A combination of both, however paid staff take primary responsibility for moving the file forward towards closure.

What training do you mandate for your Restorative Justice facilitators, elders, etc.?
Our team has years of services working with the vulnerable population of Maskwacis, a community of over 18,000 members.  This experiential knowledge and community connection are vital to establishing trust of our patients.  In addition, our staff and volunteers are required to take CPR, Mental Health First Aid, etc.  We are willing to take additional training to expand our scope.